






Anxiety Alchemy:

Exactly how to silence mental noise and shed the heaviness you feel to finally break free from the vicious cycle that’s leaving you depleted every single day.

…even if feels like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

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Introducing the life changing way sensitive high achievers create mental and emotional tranquility regardless of what’s going on around them.


When you sign up you’ll:


  • Discover the one key factor most sensitive high-achievers overlook that’s keeping them wide awake at night with racing thoughts like “There is so much I need to do tomorrow!” or “I hope I wasn’t too harsh in that meeting today..." 
  • Experience the secret to silencing the mental noise and shedding the heaviness that you feel in less than 12 minutes.
  • Receive the only meditation you’ll ever need to reduce stress even if you find it hard to quiet your brain for a few seconds.
  • Learn how to make sustainable change in the next 30 days to reclaim your energy and inner calm amidst a stressful career.

See what some of my clients are saying and feeling:

Hey! I'm Katie.

High-achieving corporate dropout turned women empowerment enthusiast! I help highly sensitive women create peace, no matter what.

My superpower? Guiding you through your unique transformation using a grounded energetic approach. 

I too used to wake up every morning dreading the day ahead and the unfulfilling work I had to spend precious hours doing. I'd lay awake at night thinking about how there was only 27 years till retirement….oh god. That's a long time

I began to notice the amazing, smart, hard working women around me fade into shells of who they once were.

Like my friend “Destiny”, I remember sitting in her office as she shared how stressed out she was at work, and how her manager wouldn't respect her, ignoring her boundaries when she said something couldn't be completed in time. She felt constantly steamrolled over, dismissed and unappreciated. 

She would stay at work past 8 pm which meant she missed putting her babies to bed. As a result she’d get home already resentful and she’d snap on her husband as he would try to engage with her. This once happy, bright woman had sunken into herself. And it broke my heart. I just wanted to solve it all for her. 

I worked with many women like Destiny in corporate, and I’ve worked with plenty of them as an energy healer.

It's part of my mission to help women like Destiny (and like you) out of stuckness and into freedom using powerful shifting energetic tools. 

What if today was the last day that you felt worried about what others think, overwhelmed AF at work, and lost as to where your life's headed? 

It can be.

You’re one loving decision away from a totally different life. 

If you’ve been thinking that you can't continue to live like this, snapping on your loved ones, coming home exhausted only to lay awake overthinking -

I want you to know two things:

  1. You’re not alone, crazy, or ungrateful for feelings like this. 
  2. I’ve been there too, and I'll help you transform this into peace

You have a desire for more deep within you, but you're too exhausted because of your never-ending workload at an unfulfilling job, old wounds and self doubt is sucking the life out of you! 

How are you going to make any changes if you’re too exhausted, and your self esteem has taken a beating from being under appreciated for so long? 

I'm gonna help you.